Spelling Flip Chart

Spelling Flip Chart

Spelling Flip Chart | Stevenson's Special Techniques


Developing spelling aptitudes without the stress of paper/pencil task.


  • expandable file folder 8 1/2″ by 11″
  • 11 pages of cardstock weight paper printed with letters from the online master
  • 5″ x 7″ blank index cards with vocabulary pictures glued on the bottom half and word printed on the top half.
  • scissors
  • eight 1″ notebook rings
  • Spelling FlipchartPDF


The sequence of letters follows the Stevenson Beginning Level. For some pupils adding letters as they are learned makes the task more manageable. This should be a monitored activity at first, to make sure the pupil is processing the 7 Special Steps for Spelling appropriately.

1st Notebook Ring

Use 2 colors of paper
  1. Single consonants =19
  2. Blends = 24
These letters should be printed on the first selected color.
  • c, g, t, d, l, f, s, r, p, n, m, j, k, h, b, w, v, y, z
These letters should be printed on the second color.
  • bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sl, sm, sn, sc, sk, sp, st, tr, sw, tw, str, scr, spr

2nd Notebook Ring

Use 1 color paper
  1. Vowels = 6
These letters should be printed on the first selected color.
  • o, i, e, a, u, y
(Open Sandwich words which begin with vowels start here, as do all Open Cake words)

3rd Notebook Ring

Use 2 colors of paper
  1. Vowels =6
  2. Consonants = 16
These letters should be printed on the first selected color.
  • a, i, o, e, y
These letters should be printed on the second color.
  • t, d, l, r, m, f, s, v, p, n, k, c, b, z, g, st

Fourth Notebook Ring

Use 2 colors of paper
  1. Silent “e” =1
  2. Consonants = 14
This letter should be printed on the first selected color.
  • e
These letters should be printed on the second color.
  • t, d, l, f, r, p, n, m, k, ve, ze, se, ce, st

Classroom Activity

Provide each child with a flip book or use grocery sacks folded to make an individual slot chart for each child and write the letters on construction paper strips. Dictate spelling words as directed in Beginning Level Stevenson Spelling Manual. Allow students to flip to the correct letters or place them in the slot chart. After students have had adequate time the instructor says “Show Me,” and students turn their spelling towards the instructor who can then do a quick visual check. If the instructor sees a misspelled word, mention “Some of our brains are getting tricked” and repeat the word allowing students to self-correct.

Independent Activity

Create an individual center using:

  • A pocket file folder
  • Notebook rings
  • Construction paper
  • Large index cards

The cards will have the vocabulary word and a picture of that word. They will slip into the pocket folder so that the picture is showing, but the word remains hidden. Students will then look at the pictures, spell the words using the flip letters, then pull down the card to self check what they are spelling. Collect various pictures of vocabulary words. Glue these words onto 5″ x 7″ cards. Print words on the top half. Glue pictures on the bottom half. Use the pocket file folder. It will be turned upside down to create the center. Punch holes for notebook rings in what was the bottom of the file folder, but now becomes the top with the letter hanging down. Space your holes so the letters will hang nicely from the rings. Cut an archway or square viewing areas so that the picture is easily viewed. Place the cards into the folder with the picture showing.